Wednesday, November 17, 2010

you know you are in law school when...

I'm riding the T with my friend Cher (obvious pseudonym is obvious. I would die if I could actually be within two feet of sparkles/glitter/drag-queen/legend/JackMcFarlandjustcreamedinhispants) and I watch the car slowly filling with people who keep miraculously upright on the Boston transit system's version of Magic Mountain.  I can't help but wonder aloud how good of a case there would be if someone fell and injured themselves. There obviously aren't enough handrails, people are being pushed up against strangers, the floor is slippery from the rain, and I get to be the smug and contented asshole now getting dirty looks as I sit in one of the few available seats.

Cher gets us even more attention as she chimes in with the even BETTER scenario that if there was a fire most people wouldn't be able to escape and that would result in even bigger damages for our client. Whee!

Both of us are carrying several law books - just to make sure people know that we aren't undergraduates- but there is no mistaking the glares from people slowly realizing that we are law school assholes (the fact that Cher and I then start musing on who we could get the most money from by taking them to court - the city of Boston, the transit system, or both - probably tipped them off).

Boston is a city full of law students. I'm sure this discussion has been hashed out a million times before by many many others (hell, the first month of Torts we spent a good two weeks discussing what kind of liability a germaphobe could get if s/he was accidentally touched while riding the T). Still this discussion goes on for a good twenty minutes more than it needed to and in the end the main conclusion Cher and I come to in our ohgodfinalsareapproaching state is that we think we have finally crashed the threshold into being actual future lawyers.  It takes a special person to think about death and suffering and compute that into damages and liability; I am happy to say that law school has now made me see potential liability in everything. Is this good or bad? Who knows. But it does put the goodness and perkiness of Elle Woods into a whole new sinister perspective for me.


1 comment:

  1. This city is filled with law students, you are correct. And even MORE true is the law student's need to tell EVERYONE on the T that the large, obtrusive, IN YOUR FACE backpack contains the nation's most pertinent legal holdings, and that the law student will one day change the world and rejuvenate the legal system as we know it.

    Accurate and True - love it.
