Monday, November 22, 2010


The weather is dreary and my energy is sapped leaving me unable to write any form of cohesive thoughts. Instead I just wanted to ramble. Deal with it.

-Is it bad or good when the new Starbucks barista who has worked there a grand total of four times recognizes me and asks for my name since, "I'm trying to learn all the regulars". Also, is it bad or good that I didn't recognize her myself and had no recollection of her ever serving me there. What does that a) say for my zombie state in the mornings before my IV of caffeine, b) its impressive as hell that she knows I'm a regular after only working there for four days, does that mean the other baristas talk about me? Am I famous???!!!

-McGonagall's last name is distinctly jewish. Like jewdar is going off, she might as well have 'stein' or 'stone' be part of her last name, she shits bagels and lox... the whole deal (disclaimer, I'm allowed to be saying this because my forefathers were also in the dessert for some forty odd years along with hers - our mutual ancestors probably split unleavened bread together at some point and talked about the weather and what a bitch Moses was for not letting them worship a golden calf). So how does this Jewish lawyer who (I think) is from NYC know ANYTHING about cows and farming? Also, how does she know anything about how "mean peacocks can get". Yes, this came up in class. In a section involving PRODUCT LIABILITY. Try to get your to brain process that. No, it still doesn't totally make sense to me either.

-While most people are looking forward to Thanksgiving and recounting hilarious past Tgivings with silly Uncle Lester or the fabulous butter cake that Aunt Molly always makes,  I am currently trying to figure out ways to smuggle a flask in my onesie. BACKSTORY: my brother and I have decided that it will be hilarious to buy adult size onesie pj's and wear them to Thanksgiving (henceforth known as Frenchie's idea of hell or the missing book in Dante's literary exploration of the afterlife). I don't really know why we are wearing adult size onsies (it was an idea hatched at 1:30 in the morning via text), but I know that at least for myself and my brother we will be endlessly entertained by them. And they are super sexy. Observe. MORE BACKSTORY: Thanksgiving with my family is not fun. There will be yelling. There will be kosher food. There will be accusations of who is prettier and who got fatter (and this is all just the adults). Sooo, if anyone has an idea of how to slip a flask into my onesie hook a girl up.


1 comment:

  1. This blog makes me wonder who you had to blow to get into law school. You should be thankful the starbucks girl recognized you because she will probably be you future co worker when you fail. You are an embarrassment to jews everywhere.
