Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Claudia was the fiercest babysitter.

Too bougie for Dunkin Donuts. Added plus is that the barista's don't question my indecisiveness between getting a triple shot or quadruple shot of expresso every morning in preparation for my 8:45 A.M. Torts class.  The christmas music in the background only adds to the overwhelming glamour of my life. 

Love Zooey. Love her bangs. Love her outfits. Love her music. 

I own everything except for the ax. 

Thanks to google, I now know what I will be wearing to work in three years. 

It is healthy for you since it is made from pomegranates which are high in antioxidants. 

Law school attire. My law school also has lockers but they aren't as big (regrettably).  


Second favorite.

 Before my morning coffee. 


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